digital artist michael claren
biography & statement

After an intense musical training (classical music, violin lessons) I devoted myself to modern music (jazz, pop, rock) in the mid-sixties. Since 1969 I worked as a professional singer and bass player both on stage and in the studio. During this time I was involved in the production of several records until 1980.
In 1980 I incorporated a publishing house for books and records and later on studied book and magazine production at the College of Education and the Arts (Akademie für Bildung und Kunst) in Munich, Germany.
In 1983 I became one of the founding members of the internationally well-established "Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics" together with the literary scholar and author Gisbert Kranz as well as with other renowned scientists.
In 1985 I began producing films and videos, sold my publishing company and moved to Munich (1986). Since then I was involved in the production of hundreds of films in Europe and the United States.
Between 1988 and 1998 I worked as an independent video and film producer in Munich, Germany.
Between 1999 and 2016 I worked as a senior editor, creative director, and as an artist in Munich Germany, West Palm Beach and Stuart, Florida, USA.
In 2006 another dream came true when I also began to increasingly deal with still photography. I immediately fell in love with it!
After living many years in the USA I now work and live as an artist, photographer, and as an editor in Munich, Germany again since June 2016.
Inspired by my cooperation with some avant-garde theater groups and other artists in Munich/Germany (video installations and exhibitions) I used my previous experience in a more experimental way.
Initially the medium video suited my desire to work artistically best and since 1990 I was using it to produce art-house films and design multimedia room installations.
I discovered the possibilities of computer based techniques to express my very personal creative ideas and ever since I am devoted to the so-called Digital Arts from where my Digital Paintings emerged.
Because I have a deep interest in every possibility of communication and interaction between humans and nature I am or I was moving through various creative fields like music (harmony and sound), print media (word and image), film and video (life in motion), still photography (catching and keeping that special moment) and digital paintings (very personal expressions of my inner feelings about different themes).